Find a Rep
Gorham Incorporated
N28 W23050 Roundy Drive
Pewaukee, WI 53072
Phone: 262-446-4431
Fax: 262-446-4438
Northern Illinois and Wisconsin
Mike Schieble
Cell: 262-309-3733
E-mail: mike@gorhamincorporated.com
MARN, Inc.
590 Middlebury Road #1205
Middlebury, CT 06762
Phone: 203-217-6433
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine
Marnee Palladino, President
Cell: 203-217-6433
E-mail: mpalladino@marninc.com
Ringsel, Inc.
617 S. Wisconsin Ave.,
Villa Park, IL 49221
Phone: 630-834-7291
Jerry Palm
Cell: 630-248-7598
E-mail: ringsel1@att.net
Welcome to the OSP Advantage
Since 1945, we have what it takes to quickly incorporate your design into a finished product. Our Product Review staff was built from the ground up and is exceptionally skilled and focused on serving your unique requirements. Consisting of Manufacturing Engineering, Quality Engineering, In-House Tool Design, and a Process Review Team, our ability to transform your design into a completed part is unparalleled! Our mission is to ensure a smooth transition from your concept to full production — WELCOME to the OSP Advantage!

Ohio Screw Products, Inc.
818 Lowell St
Elyria, OH 44035
P: 440-322-6341
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