Terms & Conditions of Sale
The following are the standard terms and conditions of all orders placed with Ohio Screw Products, Inc., hereinafter referred to as Seller. Unless special terms are negotiated and documented in the quotation or Ohio Screw Products’ order acknowledgement, these conditions apply.
1. TERMS OF CONTRACT: Unless Buyer notifies Seller in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, within three days after receipt of the order acknowledgement by Buyer, acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof by Buyer shall be indicated and in the absence of such notification, the sale and shipment by Seller of the goods covered hereby shall be conclusively deemed to be subject to the terms and conditions hereof.
2. SAMPLES: If requested, Ohio Screw Products will submit samples for approval when commencing operations upon any order. However, Seller’s machines may start production immediately after they are set correctly to Buyer’s supplied specifications, and Seller will assume responsibility for having the product in conformity with such specifications while awaiting Buyer’s approval. Any changes in original specifications will be made only at Buyer’s direction and expense. If changes are to be made, Seller must be notified at once by telephone, fax or e-mail, but always with written confirmation. If buyer intends to use the samples to test a new or unproven design, Buyer should always include this as part of the quotation to withhold production for an agreed time.
3. QUANTITIES: All quotations are based on Buyer accepting over-run or under-run on each individual item not exceeding 10% of quantities ordered. Where closer control of quantity is required special arrangements must be made; otherwise Seller’s responsibility is only to deliver a quantity of parts within this range unless otherwise specified on customer’s purchase order.
4. BUYER’S MATERIAL: Quotations covering machining of Buyer’s material are made subject to delivery of the amount of material as specified by Seller in 12′ lengths, F.O.B. Seller’s plant, and are subject to changes, if material furnished by Buyer is defective or cannot be machined within reasonable machining parameters. Chemical and physical specifications are the sole responsibility of Buyer, and parts manufactured from Buyer’s material, which conform to blueprint specifications, shall be accepted by Buyer. Seller does not guarantee to deliver more than 90% of the quantity ordered, as stated in “III. QUANTITIES.” If Buyer’s material proves defective, in total or in part, or of a different character than represented by either Buyer or material producer, all work performed by Seller shall be reimbursed by Buyer.
5. TOLERANCES: All dimensions must be limited by a specific tolerance. When not specified, it is understood that the following tolerances will apply:
Decimal Dimensions: All diameters plus or minus .005″
Lengths plus or minus .010″
Fractional Dimensions: Diameters plus or minus .015″
Lengths plus or minus 1/64″ (over 18″ +/- 1/32)
Intersecting Surfaces: Fillets .020″ Max.
Corners: .020″ Max. Radius of Chamfer or
Angles: Plus or minus 2-1/2 degree
Drilled holes the greater of + .003 / – .001 or plus 3% and minus 1%
Samples are to be considered as denoting fractional dimensions, unless otherwise specified and dimensions of samples will be considered “mean” dimensions. Where cross drilling, slotting and similar operations are specified; the location will be without relation to other dimensions unless otherwise specified.
When Buyer purchases to his own specifications, Seller will not be responsible for the design and fitting of parts.
Concentricity requirements, if any, must be specified separately from dimension and will be subject to inspection only at the point where the relation is shown on the blueprint. When a concentricity limitation is specified, it is understood that it means the actual concentricity allowable between the centerlines of the dimensions, which is one-half of a dial-reading registration (or TIR). When concentricity is not specified, the work will be manufactured in the most economical manner without particular regard to concentricity.
6. THREADS: Unless otherwise specified, threads will be of the ANSI Unified Screw Threads and will be made to Class 2A and Class 2B fit tolerances. When Buyer specifies threads other than sizes in the Coarse Thread Series or Fine Thread Series or in other classes of tolerances or limits, gages are to be furnished by Buyer or charged for by the Seller.
EXTERNAL THREADS: Where threading to the shoulder is specified, if a relief or under-cut of sufficient width is not provided for, it will be understood that the last full thread will not be closer to the shoulder than a distance of two and one-half threads and in the case of fine pitches, closer than 1/16″.
INTERNAL THREADS: Unless otherwise specified, blind tapped holes may not have a full thread closer from the bottom than three and one-half threads and in case of fine pitches, not closer than 5/32″.
7. GAGES: Where dimensions cannot be readily gauged with micrometers and require special gages, such gages may be furnished by Buyer or supplied by Seller at an extra charge. In the case of threads, the inspection gages shall conform to the limits specified by the latest National Bureau of Standards Handbook H28, as supplemented, entitled “Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services for Inspection Gages.”
8. INSPECTION: Inspection by Seller is made on a percentage basis only. It is assumed 100% inspection is not required. If 100% inspection is required, it is an added cost at Buyer’s expense. Seller will normally use a 1.0 AQL on critical part features when no other requirements are noted. If there does need to be any special lot or shipment acceptance criteria, including the designation of sampling plans or statistical data, it must be established by Buyer in writing prior to quotation by Seller. Otherwise, Seller reserves the right to adjust his quotation or delivered part price in consideration for the requirements established by Buyer.
9. PACKAGING: Unless otherwise specified in the quotation or the order acknowledgement, all items are to be bulk packed. If special packaging or handling is required, it must be specified by the buyer, in writing, prior to quotation by seller, otherwise, seller reserves the right to adjust the quotation or delivered part price in consideration of the requirements established by Buyer.
10. TOOLS, TOOLING CHARGES, FIXTURES, ETC: Tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, programs, gages, and their engineering and design, are integral parts of Seller’s manufacturing processes. Therefore, separate quotation to, or payment by Buyer for these items, supplied by Seller, conveys neither ownership nor the right of removal from Seller’s factory.
11. PATENTS: It is not the intention of Seller to manufacture any product, which is an infringement of a patent. Buyer will defend and reimburse Seller for all expense and damages resulting from claims of infringement related to filling the Buyers orders. This will apply to orders for individual parts or assemblies.
12. SHIPMENT TERMS: F.O.B. Ohio Screw Products, Inc., Elyria, Ohio.
13. SHIPMENT: In ordering, Buyer should state explicitly the method of shipment preferred and, in the absence of shipping directions, Seller will use discretion forwarding by air or rail express, truck or parcel post when packages are small and, therefore, subject to loss in transit. When considered prudent by the Seller, shipment will be insured at Buyer’s expense, unless otherwise specified by Buyer. All goods are sold F.O.B. shipping point so Buyer assumes freight cost and liability for any loss or damage to goods once the goods have left Seller’s premises.
14. DELIVERIES: Seller assumes the responsibility of assigning the necessary resources to achieve the delivery schedule quoted to the Buyer, within the costs quoted to the Buyer. Seller does not assume any responsibility due to default or delay in production or delivery of all or any portion of any contract resulting directly or indirectly from: (A) accident to, or breakdowns of Seller’s plant machinery or equipment; labor disputes; fire; riots; national emergency; delays of suppliers; carriers; or governmental restrictions, prohibitions; or allocations; or (B) any cause beyond the control of Seller. In no event shall Seller be liable for any consequential, special, or contingent damages arising out of Seller’s default or delay in filling this order.
15. DELIVERY SCHEDULES: Unless otherwise agreed between Buyer and Seller, orders are accepted for delivery as fast as manufactured by complete shipment packed in bulk. If special delivery schedules and lot quantities are required, it may affect price and should be detailed in part of the quotation.
16. QUOTATIONS AND ACCEPTANCE: All orders and contracts are subject to acceptance only at Seller’s home office. Typographical errors are subject to correction.
17. CREDIT: Accounts will be opened only on approved credit. Seller reserves the right to decline delivery except for cash, whenever doubt as to Buyer’s financial condition develops.
18. TAXES: Taxes imposed by any present or future law of federal, state, county, or municipal authority on the manufacture, sale or use of the articles purchased hereunder and required to be paid by Seller shall be added to the amount to be paid by Buyer. Buyer shall furnish evidence of exemption if applicable. Custom duties or taxes are not included in prices; Buyer shall reimburse Seller for any such duties or taxes as Seller may pay or subsequently be assessed.
19. CANCELLATION: Orders may be cancelled or deliveries deferred by Buyer with written consent of Seller only upon the condition that Buyer assumes immediate liability and makes payment to Seller for all work complete and incomplete, recovering Seller’s costs and lost profits. The Seller will recover from Buyer: the unit sales price of completed work, work in process on the basis of the percentage completion, raw material costs, non-amortized tooling costs, engineering, handling, overhead charges, and other cancellation charges incurred on the basis of cost to Seller, as well as, lost profits. All cancellation charges to be determined at the time of cancellation or deferment.
20. CLAIMS: If Buyer claims delivery of material is not as ordered, he must notify Seller within fifteen (15) days of receipt of shipment. If such claim is sustained, Seller shall, at his option, repair, replace, credit or complete order. Charges for repair or inspection of parts by Buyer without prior authorization cannot be honored. Seller shall have the option of inspecting the goods on Buyer’s premises or of taking back the goods and deciding whether to replace goods or credit Buyer.
Claims for shortage of goods must be presented within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of goods and must state the packing slip number, weight including tare and the method used in arriving at a count of the parts. Any claim for error in weight or shortage, not presented in accordance with this provision, will conclusively be deemed waived. Seller may, at Seller’s discretion, request the shipment be returned in its entirety for full evaluation.
Seller will not allow claims on those goods further processed by Buyer resulting in change of dimensions or characteristics from parts as ordered.
21. WARRANTY: Seller warrants that goods manufactured by him will conform to the drawings and specifications furnished by Buyer. If within six (6) months, the goods manufactured by Seller are found to have defects in material or workmanship as compared to Buyer’s written specifications, and written notice is received by Seller no later than seven (7) months after date of receipt of such goods by Buyer, Seller will, at his option and without regard to limitations under paragraph III, “Quantities,” provide credit, repair, or replace such products determined by Seller to be defective.
Seller shall have the option of inspection of the goods on Buyer’s premises or authorizing their return. No goods are to be returned without written consent nor shall the Seller be liable for any expense, including inspection expenses, incurred by Buyer in order to remedy defects in said goods.
Products manufactured by others but furnished by Seller are limited to the original manufacturer’s warranty and Seller shall not be liable under any circumstances for defects in such products.
Because goods furnished hereunder are to Buyer’s specifications and are used or combined by Buyer with other equipment or components not furnished by Seller, Buyer agrees to indemnify Seller for all claims resulting from the use or incorporation of said goods in the Buyer’s product.
LIMITATIONS: Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this contract, or the breach thereof, must be commenced within one (1) year after the cause of action has occurred.
• Quoted price is based on total quoted quantity. Blanket purchase orders issued with a specific price is a commitment by the purchaser to purchase the quoted quantity within 12 months of date P.O. is issued. This supersedes any disclaimer on customer’s purchase order.
• Prices quoted are generally based upon one continuous production run. Customer terms requiring shorter production runs with additional set up may result in higher costs.
• Prices quoted are based upon raw material prices in effect at time of quote. Prices may be adjusted upward or downward to reflect changes in actual cost of raw material at the time of purchase receipts.
• PPAP Level III requirements are available at a one time additional charge of $295 which may be amortized into the quoted per piece price.
• Any one time tooling and engineering charges may also be amortized into the quoted per piece price.
• Parts will be made to print unless a deviation is specified in quotation notes. If Ohio Screw Products is required to hold production for customer approval, the cost of machine down time will be added to the customer’s invoice as a one time charge. As with other one time charges, it may be amortized into the per piece price.
• Print changes to quoted part will be reviewed and re-priced if applicable before order acceptance.
• Orders received more than 60 days after quote date will be re-quoted with updated prices and lead times.
• Orders may be accepted with lead times shorter than specified on the Ohio Screw Products’ quote. The requested delivery date on the order does not constitute a promise by Ohio Screw Products unless agreed to in writing, to deliver by the requested date, but will be interpreted as a target date to be met if possible. The promised date on the “Order Acknowledgement” is the only valid promised ship date.
• “Order Acknowledgement” will be transmitted within five working days of receipt of order. Failure by the customer to respond to terms or exceptions included in the acknowledgment will constitute acceptance by the customer.
Welcome to the OSP Advantage
Since 1945, we have what it takes to quickly incorporate your design into a finished product. Our Product Review staff was built from the ground up and is exceptionally skilled and focused on serving your unique requirements. Consisting of Manufacturing Engineering, Quality Engineering, In-House Tool Design, and a Process Review Team, our ability to transform your design into a completed part is unparalleled! Our mission is to ensure a smooth transition from your concept to full production — WELCOME to the OSP Advantage!

Ohio Screw Products, Inc.
818 Lowell St
Elyria, OH 44035
P: 440-322-6341
Copyright © Ohio Screw Products, Inc. All rights reserved. Site Designed and hosted by Design-2-Part Web Design.